Thursday, June 9, 2011

Effective cleaning of kitchen and bathroom tiles

There are many types of tile used for indoor flooring, common examples are natural stone (slate, granite) and man-made tiles such as ceramic which can come in a variety of finishes.  It is very common to find these tiles in areas where spillages are common – areas such as kitchens and bathrooms – as they are relatively easy to clean and the surface does not get damaged by liquids as would materials such as hardwood.  Although they are maintenance friendly, any floor can quickly become marked and stained if not looked after, especially common spillage areas.

There are various tips relating to cleaning and maintenance which, if carried out frequently, should keep your floor looking good for many years to come.  For the purpose of this article we will assume that the tiles are in good condition and that they have been correctly or professionally installed.

The first area to focus on with tiles is the tile grout.  Grout is a construction material which is used to fill voids and seal joints – precisely like those found between tiles – and generally consists of a mixture of sand, cement and water.  As such it is a porous substance that will stain easily which, while it may not sound like a big problem, can affect the overall aspect of the floor.  Even though the grout makes up a very small percentage of the surface area of the floor – when it stains the floor can look dulled, uneven and generally unsatisfactory.
Grout can be cleaned, but you would probably need to contact a specialist in cleaning floor tile to do it for you and you would be better served by applying a grout sealant, which can either be transparent or colour.  This will offer a barrier to protect the material, while the material itself can offer a uniform finish and can even be mixed to match the colour you wish.

The surface of the tiles themselves is easy to clean, but it is important to regularly do a few things.  The first is to sweep regularly to remove any dirt or grit particles that may be present and mop the floor clean once or twice a week.  This can be done with warm water or with a little added soap, before being rinsed and left to dry naturally.  It is a good idea to apply a surface sealant to help protect the surface, although this need not be done after every cleaning.  It is necessary to apply the right type of sealant depending on the material and a company which specializes in cleaning floor tile will be able to recommend one for you.

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