Friday, June 3, 2011

Effective basics of Cleaning slate floors

Slate is one of a variety of different types of natural stone flooring that have become common in indoor domestic locations.  Natural stone floors such as slate are chosen due to a visually appealing finish which is natural and unique as well as durability which makes it a sound investment over the years.  The inherent durability means that the floor will last a long time but it is still vitally important to maintain the floor and to clean regularly in order to keep the floor, which can easily mark, looking good for many years to come.

The actual process of cleaning is not complicated but needs to be done regularly in order to be effective.  It is also important that you follow certain dos and don’ts as you will want to avoid marking, staining and surface scratching wherever possible.  Surface scratching can lead to an unsatisfactory appearance and can also allow for bacteria and grime to build up and stain overtime.  It is not uncommon to see an unpleasant black mark on the floor – which is probably a scratch into which dirt has built up over time.

Most scratching to the surface is actually caused by particles of grit, sand and dirt on the floor and usually walked into the environment on the soles of shoes.  It is obviously paramount to make sure as little of this is introduced as possible, but you can also help matters by simply sweeping the floor as often as possible.  This should be done especially before you clean the floor, and you may also consider cleaning the floor with a fine dust mop before you start.

After the floor has been swept, you should mop it clean.  Assuming this is done regularly, you should need no more than warm water with a little soap or detergent or other neutral PH cleaner.  You should mop the floor thoroughly, rinsing the mop as often as you can and then rinse the floor with clean water afterwards to remove any soapy residue.  The floor should then be left to dry naturally, which can take time if the day is cold or humid.  If regular mopping is not effective or is not done frequently enough, you may find yourself with a build-up of grime and staining which can be tough to remove, especially if the grout has been affected.  In this case you may need to contact a specialist in cleaning slate floors to assist you.

After the floor has been cleaned you should consider the application of a sealant which should offer a little extra protection and facilitate future cleaning efforts.  This will not need to be done every time you clean, but is advisable every other month.  Sweeping should still be done as often as possible to protect the sealant from scratches.

If you find that regular cleaning ceases to be effective, or that the floor has become stained, marked or scratched or that the grout has been discolored, you should consider contacted a company which deals with cleaning slate floors.  A company will be able to take advantage of modern cleaning techniques such as heat and pressure cleaning and emulsification and effective capture of waste and residue to restore your floor to its original state.

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