Friday, March 25, 2011

Wood floor cleaning

Hard wood floors have been around for many years and were, for a time, a symbol of high class and aristocracy.  For many decades it didn’t prove to be a good investment as poor installation (directly above the ground meaning it rotted and warped from the bottom upwards) meant that it didn’t last long at all, while there was very little understanding of how to care for the wood itself at the time.  The problems of caring for wood remain much the same today as wood has not changed fundamentally in nature – what has changed is the techniques for installation and products available to protect your floor.  Although there is more common knowledge of how to care for wood nowadays, most people are still ignorant to the dangers present.

Hardwood floors are increasingly popular and have been growing in popularity since the 1950s.  Although there is a substantial investment involved (good wood is not cheap) a well protected floor simply looks classy and sophisticated and will add to any environment.  Following a few simple maintenance tips will aid your cleaning efforts and keep the floor looking good for years to come.

The best way to keep any floor clean is to stop it getting dirty.  This may sound obvious but you would be amazed how often it simply doesn’t happen.  The first stage to keeping the floor clean is to seal it, a stage which is recommended for all hard floors but is particularly relevant for hard wood.  A good sealer will protect the surface meaning that any staining will not affect the wood directly and it offers a protective layer which prevents liquid from seeping into the wood itself or into the joints between pieces.  You should make sure that you choose a good quality sealant and a wood floor cleaning specialist will be able to recommend one for you.

Protecting the floor means keeping it scratch and abrasion free.  Scratching damages the sealant and exposes the surface, but also damages the wood itself, allows a place for bacteria and grime to build up over time and also affects the overall look of the floor.  You will need to consider regular sweeping and vacuuming, use of doormats at entrances, padded tips on chair legs and taking care while moving heavy objects and furniture.

If you find that there is a stain on the floor you cannot shift, or that the floor becomes dulled or uneven in appearance it is possible that the sealant has worn and the wood itself has become damaged.  It is also possible that the staining is as a result of a surface build-up over time so you will need to contact a professional wood floor cleaning company to advise you.  You will need to be careful as once the wood has been marked, surface sanding, polishing and re-sealing will be necessary – and this can be an expensive process.

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